I am able to authorise marriage ceremonies, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies and name day ceremonies.

There is quite a bit to do to get you and your lover to your wedding day:

  1. Complete, sign and witness Notice of Intended Marriage.  By law, couples must give a minimum of one month’s notice.  Once this form is witnessed by me, it you have legally given your notice. 

  2. I provide a full overview of your ceremony, outlining the legal and optional inclusions and also providing examples of readings, rituals, structure, the asking, vows etc.

  3. Couple to agree on inclusions and provide these to me.

  4. I am to draft the ceremony.  We will go back and forth until you are completely happy with how it flows and provide final sign off.

  5. We will be required to meet in the weeks before the ceremony, to confirm documents that will be signed at the wedding (the Official Marriage Certificate x 2 plus the marriage certificate you will receive on the day) and sign the No Legal Impediment to Marriage document.  This document must be signed as close to the wedding date as possible.

  6. After the wedding I will lodge the necessary signed legal documents with Births, Deaths and Marriages in the state your wedding took place, after which point you will be able to apply for a copy of your marriage certificate

I appreciate that this list can seem overwhelming, but that is what I am here for! I am here to alleviate any stress and anxiety, and to take care of all the ceremony preparations and legalities before, during and after the ceremony.